Evaluating Joyful Movement: tools to deepen exercise satisfaction

Is your current exercise routine truly improving your well-being, including your body, mood, mind, and relationships? Let’s take a closer look. Review the statements below and determine which ones match your experience over the past month, or any recent period of consistent exercise. There are no right or wrong answers; we're simply gathering information! These markers can help you assess your current satisfaction, but remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and some statements may not align with your personal exercise goals. So, let’s explore! On a separate sheet of paper or in your phone, keep track of how many statements below, apply to you:

  1. Outlook and Motivation: I look forward to my exercise sessions & feel present while working out. It’s easy for me to maintain motivation & I have a clear long term goal with exercise.

  2. Self-Acceptance: it’s rare that I find myself comparing my abilities or body to others. I have an appreciation for my unique strengths. I practice healthy coping skills in the face of adversity or when my body is not meeting expectations.

  3. Community Focus: My workout peers value growth, healthy competition that uplifts all (when relevant), and community support.  I take regular action to contribute to my community, in ways that suit my financial & personal means, by volunteering, teaching, donating, etc.

  4. Social Connection: My workout routine supports & enhances quality time with others. I do not feel trapped by my exercise routine.

  5. Representation and Diversity: I follow athletes, coaches, and/or influencers who promote body diversity and don’t focus on weight, BMI, or appearance as primary indicators of health & fitness.

  6. Intrinsic Health: I measure my health through internal indicators (like bloodwork & relevant tests through a trusted physician) and my own lived experience, not external appearance or judgments from others.

  7. Comfort in Clothing: I wear workout attire that makes me feel strong, capable and joyful!

  8. Rest and Recovery: I feel confident taking rest days & understand their importance in my overall fitness journey.

  9. Motivation Strategies: I manage natural dips in exercise motivation and handle setbacks effectively.

  10. Self-Expression: I view exercise as meaningful self-expression rather than a task.

If you checked off fewer than eight of these statements, there could be opportunities for growth! Consider swapping that pilates class you’re just not into for a new workout class that sounds exciting & fun. Perhaps that cute sports bra is uncomfortable and it’s time to invest in a new piece of exercise gear that suits your style and movement needs. Try watching some inspiring athletic content (as a launching point, I’d recommend a brief online search into athletic/life role models like Olympians Ilona Maher & Simone Biles, or the ultra runner Callie Vinson). You might also explore new communities, either online or locally, that emphasize enjoying the process of exercise, over fixating on appearance goals.

And, if you’re seeking further support to develop long-term joy with exercise, check out Deeper Dive coaching (we cover all sorts of topics like this in coaching) or shoot your questions my way! 


Supportive Phrases for Times of Injury